
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

More Updates For Bond 23

Most people know the movie is out for November 9th 2012 and we can expect all kinds of awesome spy gadgets to appear it is safe to say that other than this we have not really seen many details on the movie, who is in it and what the plot is going to be about. Well it would seem that recently a few more details on the movie have been released so without further ado, here they are! Although these are only rumours and you must be aware of this in case none of these things end up in the movie.

The Title

The last title to the movie was possibly the strangest Bond title I have seen and it would make sense to either continue with this trend or go pretty simple with it all? Here are the titles that are in the pipeline at this current time

Red Sky At Night

The Property Of A Lady


The Hildebrand Party

These are all titles that are taken directly from Ian Flemings short stories so you can see why the rumours around these particular titles has come about. My money is on red sky at night but we will see what happens!

The Villian

There were rumours that started as far back as March 2010 that suggested that Rachel Weiz was set to be the Bond villain this time around and that she would play the head of Quantum. For all you Bond fans out there it would seem that this is the modern day version of SPECTRE and that they were the people behind the events in the first two Craig movies.

So get your hidden spy cameras and telephone recording ready for an explosive new Bond movie next fall, more details as they come!

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