
Monday, April 4, 2011

Oh The Beauty Of High Definition Satellite TV

Television as a concept was first brought to reality in the early 1920's but didn't become something ready for the home until after World War II. Before TV could be broadcast to the world, issues with quality and incompatiblilities had to be solved. But once it started, it became something that has invaded every part of our lives. Color was standardized and introduced in the 1960's but the quality of the picture stayed at 500 lines of resolution until the 1990's. Finally, high definition TV standards were established and everyone could finally see the beauty of high definition satellite TV like with DISH TV HD.

Not only is HDTV higher quality, upgrading the NTSC standard of 500 lines to 720 for the low end and 1080 for the high end, but instead of the old screen limitations of a ratio of 4":3" which gave you almost a square screen, HDTV expanded that to the same 16":9" ratio of movie theater screens. Now to be able to conform to your screen, movies don't have to be cropped. Hollywood has been clamoring for years to have that for TV's because movie makers feel their audiences lose so much of the story that has to be cropped away.

But today, we don't have to be concerned with those limitations any more. Since the government legislated that all TV stations had to switch over to digital in 2008, that opened up the airwaves for hundreds of HDTV channels like those that come with great DISH TV packages. And to get the best out of your HDTV you'll want to get as much signal to it as possible. That means you'll want high definition satellite TV because satellite delivers more quality than any other source besides a device directly connected to it.

The key to this is called "bandwidth". The more bandwidth you have, exactly like with the internet, the quicker and better it will be. Similar to an internet connection that is slower, more HDTV signals can be "squeezed" through the pipe because they can be made "smaller". Cable companies have to use this technique to offer as many channels as possible. Satellite TV doesn't have the same limitations because they use a very different concept with their bandwidth. This means your HDTV picture from satellite TV providers is the best you can get.

Enjoy your HDTV the way it was meant to be enjoyed. The creators of television wanted everyone to be able to see moving pictures, movie makers want us to be able to enjoy all that Hollywood has to offer and high definition satellite TV from DISH TV makes it possible.

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