Quickest Leveling Guide Online for Rogue Players
Many people know how easy it is to level a hunter, but rogues are just as easy. Warrior's are good at ganking and rogue have no problems dealing with them and moster have no chance. There was little that stopped them, making the Rogues a supreme leveling threat.
The Rogues are at a distinct advantage over the others; thanks to their smashing power also called pure burst DPS. Then there are the Rogues cooldowns, which include the cloak of shadows, blind, vanish, and numerous others, which provide the Rouges with plenty of versatility and this also gives the Rogues the ability to setup a calculated attack.
While rogue arn't the best ganking classes in the game they are very close. They are not a face-roll class. A rogue that is played well,will preform well in PvP and PvE. You will almost always see Rogues hovering near the top of the DPS lists and arena charts. Your skill will set the bar for your Rogue and that skill will determine just how much of a killing machine your character is. The 4.0 patch introduces a decent buff to the Rogues capabilities.
So which races can play rogues and which can't Almost all of them, because race isn't important with the Rogues, unless of course you are looking to have the maximum efficiency, which few are. of course you really can only get a 1% difference from a race and this isn't much to worry about. So play a human or if you don't want to the play anything is doesn't matter.
PvP The undead, gnomes, and have fantastic escape abilities while the trolls and orks have beserk like skills. Blood elves have a small aoe silence, goblins have a 1% increased attack speed, and worgens get 1% crit. Of course these are all small and handy to have.
PvE When it comes to the Horde, the orcs are experts when it comes to weapons and they can also enrage, while the trolls go beserk, which increases their attack speed. Goblins have an extra bonus when selling and blood elves are known for the backstabing.
The Rogues are pretty much the same as they were previously, although they have been blessed with a few new skills along with the ability to shuffle those abilities. Once you hit level 10 you will be able to access the talent tree system. Once you spend 31 points in one tree you will be able to select another tree and start using there talents.
This is mainly due to the tree's giving you different spells and abilities and it would be unfair to have them all. For example, when you enter the Subtlety tree you earn shadowstep.
Leveling You have a few ways to gather XP acquisitions. If you want low stress questing and grinding are great ways to level fast. Zygor is better than the quest help that's in the game. DPS classes easy to get your hands on so you generally only have to wait a couple of minutes to get into the dungeons, and you can get much better gear than with questing. Once you pass level 80, the dungeons will be automatically open to you. This is different than with Cataclysm where you had to actually discover the dungeons. Looking for Additional World of Warcraft Guides online, and read more amazing tips and free guides on the wow blog.
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