
Saturday, June 4, 2011

Gold in World of Warcraft - Hitting The Limit

As a WoW player, have you ever wondered how some players always seem to have the best gears and how they never seem to run out of gold? It is no secret that WoW (Word of Warcraft) is today's biggest multiplayer online role playing game or MMORPG. With every expansion the game gets tougher. Getting tougher along with the game play is outsmarting the high level players. Gold becomes an ever increasing necessity over time and it becomes elusive too over time.

If you're among the game's 20 millions subscribers, you ought to know by now that not having enough gold means the inability to enjoy the game. This is why many submit instead to the dangers of buying illegal virtual WoW gold. Among the risk of course, for those who aren't in the know, are your account being compromised, hacked, stripped of gears, wealth and whatnots. In this article, you'll find out how you can get all the gold you want without putting your account at risk and without giving up your social life.

You have probably also heard of the controversial gold cap Blizzard has placed in the game. But just in case you haven't yet, here's a quick explanation. With the gold cap, players are limited to storing just 214,748 gold plust a few silvers and coppers. Despite the limit, having that much gold can pretty much gets your ranks up and ties you in with the best. The achievement can even boost your confidence not just in but outside of the game too. Needless to say, every gamer would want to Hit Gold Cap.

Among some old-school, reliable and effective sources for ways to reach the gold limit are Reaching WOW Gold Cap by WOW Schools and Gold Secrets by Luke Brown. The only other method you can do that you probably already know and you don't have to pay for is to grind mobs til you drop. But how soon will you drop? I don't think you'd even reach half as much gold before you give up on trying to reach the goal, let alone, stay in the game. So how can you hit the gold cap legally without succumbing to the torture of grinding?

There are no legal breaches and every tip is legitimate in these guides. These can teach you how to utilize and make the most out of Auction Houses. This works for any level, be you a lowbie or otherwise. You can be level 1 and stand the same chance of hitting the gold cap as higher level players.

For the those who do not have the patience, starting the trading could be considered a catch: You need seed money to start. However, the guideprovides the details of how you can easily snag this seed money. The most important thing is that you know which of the guides to pick. I recommend comparing WoW Gold products side by side. Check out Product Reviews at ReviewMOZ.org. With the right WoW Gold guide, the catch remains inconsequential. Except of course if you find auctions and monitoring them boring. If that's the case you can always mix your money making ways. It might keep it interesting for you if while you are doing the auction you're also grinding mobs, doing quests, crafting items and selling them and the like.

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