
Monday, July 18, 2011

Effective Kidney Stones Treatments

When you have kidney stones, you want to choose the most effective treatment to get rid of them. In some cases, your doctor may recommend certain medical procedures, but there are many effective home treatments that can be used for smaller kidney stones. To help you sort out the various options, we'll be looking at some kidney stone treatments in this article. While combining several approaches can be effective, you need to be careful when mixing drugs and herbs, so always check with your doctor to ensure the combination is safe.

While kidney stones can be rather agonizing and might call for medical attention, the truth is that littler kidney stones can be healed at home. If you have a sneaking suspicion that you have kidney stones, you should consult your physician to determine what treatments you require, however in many instances the stones can be flushed out with no assistance. It can take many, many weeks for stones to travel through your body, therefore during this time you should be extra watchful of your diet and make sure you're taking in enough fluids. Though you might have only a slight instance of kidney stones, you should grasp that this means you're predisposed to this dilemma so you should be extra cautious in the future. With the proper diet and lifestyle you should be able to keep them from returning. One of the trickiest aspects of a diet that's healthy for kidney stones is avoiding foods that are low in oxalate. Oxalates are natural substances found in many plant foods such as green vegetables, berries, fruits and grains. Normally these substances are harmless but some health experts believe they should be avoided if you have kidney stones because they can bind to calcium, which is what most kidney stones are formed from. You should look for a list of high oxalate foods to help you follow a low oxalate diet; some of the most common ones are spinach, parsley, strawberries, blueberries, wheat bran, wheat germ, peanuts, almonds, cashews, and chocolate.

Everyone can benefit from regular exercise, but it is especially important for those you have kidney stones. If your kidney stones are causing you severe pain, you will need medical help to get your symptoms under control; this can mean surgery in some cases. However, as part of your long term recovery and to prevent future problems, regular exercise is very important. Physical activity helps direct calcium out of your bloodstream, where it can cause problems, and into your bones, where it's beneficial.

Try starting out with regular walks and building up to more strenuous exercise as you feel better if you haven't exercised in awhile.

The above treatments are just a few of the many available for kidney stones. No matter what type of kidney stones you have, or what caused them, there are changes you can make in your lifestyle, as well as some effective natural remedies that can help you recover more quickly. Most of all, make sure you avoid foods and beverages that will make it harder for you to get rid of your kidney stones.

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