
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hiring a Ghostwriter - What You Need to Know

Hiring the right type of ghostwriter for the job is not as difficult as people make it out to be. So let's look at some of the main considerations you should remember when seeking a ghostwriter.

Don't Leave Out Details: The only way to ensure that the ghostwriter knows exactly what you want is to spell it out in detail. If the ghostwriter knows precisely what you want, it won't be necessary for you to revise the finished product.

When you hire a ghostwriter, you don't want to just give him a general topic to work with, but also any specific areas you want him to cover, keywords, how the document should be formatted, etc. The more clear you are on these aspects, the better work you can expect from your ghostwriter. Interview the Chosen Ghostwriter: If you want to know how well a ghostwriter can deliver, then it's imperative that you interview him and find out if he's the one for the job. Once you come up with a long list of possible ghostwriters it's time to narrow down the field by learning more about their talents and the type of work they've done in the past. You want to be confident of your decision and you need plenty of information to do that so ask the questions you may have and judge your prospective writers according to the answers they provide. Another topic for your interview should be related to your niche and the ghostwriter's knowledge of your niche so that you can be assured of high quality. Discuss the experience your writer has as well as his or her strengths and weaknesses. The bottom line is that you have to see what kind of potential a writer has if you're going to find the one that's best suited to you.

Don't make the mistake of choosing a low price ghostwriter; you'd serve yourself so much better by going for quality over cost. There's no harm in choosing a writer that won't break your budget wide open. But you should be aware that you're probably going to get what you pay for. But you should always avoid writers who have rates that seem a little too low. In general, ghostwriters only write for low rates when there are consistent quality issues and higher rates are more difficult to come by. You should try to select a ghostwriter who is in the mid-range when it comes down to the price. Make an effort to pick writers who promise solid quality rather than those who promise quick service; quality trumps quantity every time.

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