If you really want to be considered a serious gamer then you will find that there is some stiff competition out there. You are not alone in your quest to be the best gamer in town but that means that you have to be better than all of these people if you want to make it. It is a huge challenge but so is anything in life that is worthwhile. Even if you have put in hours of time playing computer games, you are going to have to do a bit more if you want to be considered the best.
- It might seem simple but one of the secrets of gaming success is to just play a lot. A lot of practice will ensure that you can become just as successful as those with a natural gift for gaming. Some clever people have invented the 80/20 rule and this basically says that you can get 80% to the top of any field by just practicing enough; it is only the last 20% where natural talent is going to give you the edge. So even if you don't have the natural talent you could still get to eighty percent with practice and that would be enough to put you near the top in terms of the best gamers in the world.
- Focusing on certain games that you want to be the best at is the best thing to do. Excelling at one or two games is the best way to become a great gamer although the skills you learn for these games will be useful in other games.
- You have to make sacrifices if you want to be a great gamer and without making these sacrifices you will never become the best. The only way that gamers will stay on top is if they are prepared to put in practice and time; they don't actually have the easy life that many people think they do.
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